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How Did Lakes Region Bracelet Begin?

John and Diana are two hard working, big hearted individuals. It is no wonder they have developed a company that gives back a generous 15% of net sales to Make-A-Wish. Captain John Surabian, a 25 year Fire Fighter, and Diana Nobrega, a twenty year Public School Art Teacher had an idea, and brought it to fruition.

John and his family have spent over 70 years in The Lakes Region of NH. John and his two daughters shared their enthusiasm for the lakes with Diana and her two teenage girls. The lake is a place they all found inspiring and pleasurable. The modern family started creating memories of their own.

Dream Becomes Reality

While looking for a special gift for Johns' oldest daughter the couple came upon the idea of creating a quality piece of jewelry to represent the lakes all over the world. The couple had just finished contributing a significant amount of time to a fundraising event that benefited The Make-A-Wish Foundation. They were so moved by the event that they left knowing they wanted to do "more". It was obvious that the charity of choice would be Make-A-Wish and a high quality sterling silver bracelet was the way they could contribute such a significant amount of money.

The duo sketched, photographed and studied water drops of all kinds. They were amazed at the similarities they found in the water drop and critically ill children. Water, one of our strongest resources and critically ill children both exhibit strength, resilience, beauty and serenity.

The small budget to establish a starter company was an obstacle that the couple knew could

stand in their way. The couple couldn't believe the support of family and friends old and new that offered to do whatever they could to help. Photographers offering photo sessions, store owners asking for minimal percentage, so the charity would benefit most. Celebrities that believed in the company and offered photographs, blogs and words of encouragement. The charitable couple attracted exactly what they were putting out, good people doing good things for those in need.

Lakes Region Bracelet has only just begun. In three months alone, they have raised over $1,700 for The Make A Wish Foundation. John and Diana are most grateful for family and friends that helped make their dream a reality and the joy they are able to bring to critically ill children. Keep looking for new and exciting events and releases that the team has planned. And as always, thank you, their loyal customers.

You can purchase a Lakes Region Bracelet at

or at one of their retail partners;

The Gilford Country Store,

1934 Lake Shore Rd, Gilford NH 03249

Live Love Lake

7N Mains Street, Wolfeboro, NG 03894

The Village Corner

1003 Whittier Hwy b, Moultonboro NH 03524

Lake Effect

51 Main Street, Meredith NH 03253

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